2023 Transform Challenging Behavior Training FAQ

Are you excited? I AM.

Registration for our free Transform Challenging Behavior Training Series opens September 6th!

Is this opportunity right for you? 

Well, we’ve made some changes since the 2022 free live TCB training, including…you can now get PD Certificates for the training series, for a small fee!

I want to make sure you know exactly how it all works. 

September 2023 TCB Training Series Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. Is this the same Transform Challenging Behavior training as last time? 

A1. Yes, and….I’ve given it a huge overhaul! I’ve added new content, tightened things up, and have added tons of examples showing how early childhood teachers from all over the world have successfully used the strategies you’ll be learning. And, most of these examples are things last year’s workshop participants have done, just in the past year! I can’t wait to share the new information, strategies and examples with you.

Q2. If I attended the last training, is it worth it for me to do it again this time?

A2. YES! First, if you’re like me, learning something the second time is when things really click! Plus, maybe you didn’t get a chance to attend all 3 workshops in their entirety last year even though you registered. Our human brains learn best through repetition! And, if you’re like most people the first time you learn something you start to understand new ideas but a second time is needed to put what you’ve learned into practice in your classroom. Plus, as I said above there will be lots of new content and tons of new examples to help you decide how to put the ideas into practice in a way that will work in your classroom!

Q3. What will I learn at the free live TCB Training? 

A3. This is the only way to get a comprehensive introduction to the TCB method for free. It’s a sample of what I teach in the TCB Teachers’ Club. However, I designed this training to stand alone. You’ll get actionable strategies that actually work and that you can start using right away! You’ll learn include:

  • What early childhood teachers who seem to have the magic touch with children who exhibit challenging behavior do that most teachers miss

  • The secret to teaching self-regulation so children can calm themselves when upset

  • How teachers around the world are successfully using our simple yet powerful TCB strategies to succeed with even chronic and severe challenging behaviors

  • And more! 

Q4. I know it’s in September, but WHEN are the workshops taking place exactly? 

A4. Workshop Dates: 9/21, 9/25, 9/28 BUT the workshop recordings are available to registrants after the workshops take place. As long as you’re registered you can watch any time that’s convenient for you thru Sun 10/1! So, I encourage you not to worry about whether you are free on the exact day of each workshop or whether you can make it live at the time it takes place. You’ll have plenty of time to watch on demand. Access is for registrants only. 

Q5. So I can sign up on September 6th and watch all 3 workshops right away?

A5. Not quite. The on-demand access to the recordings will be after we complete each live workshop so for Workshop 1 you’ll have over a week to watch the recording (yes, for free!), for Workshop 2 you’ll have a little less than a week, and for Workshop 3 you’ll have a few days. Then we’ll take all 3 recordings down at midnight on Sunday 10/1. Make sense?

Q6. I’m intrigued! But I’m BUSY. When will you offer this again?

A6. Honestly, I’m not sure yet. While we LOVE doing this it’s a bit of a production so we’ll likely only offer it once per year. Please note: I’ve designed this workshop series for busy people like you! Once you register you’ll get the link to the “Directory Page”. Save that link on your phone (in your notes works and/or in your browser). Then, after each workshop takes place you can watch - or just listen to - the recording right on your phone! Do this while you drive, cook, do dishes, fold laundry, etc… If you need help with challenging behavior and you wait until you’re not busy you risk getting so burnt out that you leave teaching. I’d hate to see that! Register. Just do what you can. Squeeze it in. Multitask with those chores. You got this. Let’s do this! The children need us to prioritize this, frankly. 

Q7. Ok, Barb. I’m interested. But I’m confused. Is the training free…or not?

A7. YES, it’s completely free to register for the workshops. Just like our TCB Online Conference the learning is free and you have the option to enroll in the TCB Teachers’ Club for one month or more for a small fee so you can have extra extended access to the workshop recordings and you’ll get your downloadable PD certificates. If you’ve been around TCB a bit you know this is how we do things: we offer powerful free learning usually attended by tens of thousands of educators with the option to invest to get more time and PD certificates and keep the learning going.

Q8. Yeah, Barb, so about that TCB Online Conference - when’s it happening? I loved it.

A8. Current plan is to bring it back for 2024. That means this free live training is the ONLY way to get free TCB PD in 2023. 

Q9. Why can’t I get the PD certificates for free?

A9. Because if no one pays I wouldn’t be able to pay my team, myself, or afford the endless online software etc that it takes to run the Transform Challenging Behavior business! 

Q10. I’m not sure I want to join the TCB Teachers’ Club (or, I know I won’t). Can I still do the free training in February? 

A10. 100% YES! 

Q11. Sounds great! How do I register for the September 2023 free live TCB workshops!?

A11. Keep an eye on your email inbox on September 6th and click the link to register if you’re already a TCB email subscriber and if you’re not download the Cheat Sheet below and then you’ll be added to the list!

Q12. I’m a Center Director and I’m curious about getting access to the certificates for my staff. How would that work?

A12. Either have each staff member individually enroll in the TCB Teachers’ Club for one month to gain extended access to the trainings and get certificates (ideally you would reimburse them) or you can enroll some or all of your staff in the TCB Teachers’ Club for one year via “Group Access”. All the Group Access information is here:


Did I miss your question?

Write to us at support@transformchallengingbehavior.com and we’ll strive to reply before September 6th so you’ll be ready to register and know exactly how everything works.