The Transform Challenging Behavior Approach

I’m not sure if you know this, but the Transform Challenging Behavior framework, is based on an understanding of:

  • How the brain works, so both teachers and children can stay calm and regulated. (brain-based)

  • Research finding that Children of Color are disproportionately suspended and expelled from preschool due implicit bias. (equity-educated)

  • The power of play to motivate and connect with the hardest to reach children. (play-powered)

There’s more to the TCB approach than that, but those 3 key ideas are threaded throughout everything I teach.

As a new preschool teacher…and then as a preschool special ed teacher, I had a lot of challenging behavior suggestions coming my way but nothing seemed to work.

HOWEVER, I eventually found my way…

I took the best strategies recommended from my early childhood (EC) and special ed (SE) classes AND I used the power of play in my approach.

Placing play at the core of my challenging behavior approach was NOT what I had been explicitly taught to do…but…

I learned that play was how young children learn best and that it was CRUCIAL to teach play skills to help children who were struggling with peer interactions...

So, it made total sense that play should be at the heart of our approach to working with children who exhibit challenging behavior! 

And that's what’s worked for me and thousands of teachers who have studied my Transform Challenging Behavior approach. 

I started teaching my play-powered challenging behavior method when I was a professor and then when I was a center director, and at conferences.

I got so much positive feedback from teachers that I decided I needed to quit being a professor and take things online so I could reach more teachers.

If, at any point, you decide you want to learn the Transform Challenging Behavior method, I think you'll find that our simple yet powerful strategies are highly effective in real world classrooms. 

Plus, we somehow manage to have fun while dealing with the incredibly hard problem of struggling with children's behavior.

The feedback I've received is that it’s an approach that is respectful of children and teachers, it's effective, and it works.

And this blog post is just scratching the surface in terms of what it’s all about...

Might you want to learn more about the Transform Challenging Behavior approach?

Download our No More Challenging Behavior Cheat Sheet to learn more and get to experience a preview of the Transform Challenging Behavior Approach.