Any Advice on Getting Kids to Keep Masks On?

Do you work in a program where children in your class are currently required to wear masks?

If so, what are some strategies you’ve found to help children keep their masks on?

This week I’m looking to YOU to help one another and to help Amber* the Director of a small preschool. 

Some of you have been teaching since early in the pandemic, whereas others have just gone back this Fall. 

If you’ve overcome mask-wearing resistance I would love for you to share your experience and expertise!

Here’s the situation...

Amber writes...

“We have a student who just turned 4. He had a great day the first day of school, the second day he refused to wear his mask. We just kept putting it back on and trying our best. 

Things have now progressed to refusing to wear socks and shoes, taking his mask off and stomping on it or throwing it, running away from teachers, trying to climb over the Dutch classroom door, spitting, kicking, etc.

We know there’s a sweet boy in there but can’t seem to find the key to unlocking it...

We’re trying to establish a routine by showing him the schedule and giving him lots of choices...ANY suggestions are welcome and appreciated!

Your webinars are a staff favorite so you jumped to mind immediately, thank you!”

- Amber

Given that this particular child is also taking off other articles of clothing I do wonder about a possible sensory sensitivity. 

Therefore, I’d be curious about allowing him to choose between masks made of different materials. 

I’d also keep watching for whether he avoids or seeks other sensory experiences (play dough, water, finger paint) and wonder if in the long run he needs sensory processing support. 

Leaving potential sensory issues aside, who has suggestions for Amber and others struggling with children who don’t want to keep their masks on? 

Let us know in the COMMENTS below.