Challenging Behavior Training How it Works & What You’ll Learn

Challenging Behavior Training How it Works & What You’ll Learn

Did you hear the news? 

The FREE live TCB training series is happening again this February!

This is your chance to learn:

  • What early childhood teachers who seem to have the magic touch with children who exhibit challenging behavior do that most teachers miss

  • The secret to teaching self-regulation so children can calm themselves when upset

  • How teachers around the world are successfully using our simple yet powerful TCB strategies to succeed with even chronic and severe challenging behaviors

  • And much, much more!

Early Childhood Educators: What's the ONE thing?

Early Childhood Educators: What's the ONE thing?

Happy almost-New-Year!

Last week I acknowledged that depending on you and your life this may be a BUSY time of year.

And, I encouraged you to consider thinking about one way you can make time and prioritize what matters most to you this week or this month, as you wrap up the year.

One thing I always make time for in December is reflecting on the year (acknowledge accomplishments, gratitude, trying to learn from struggles) and set intentions for the new year.

Severe Challenging Behavior in Preschool: Is Specialized Knowledge Needed?

Severe Challenging Behavior in Preschool: Is Specialized Knowledge Needed?

In last week’s blog I invited early childhood teachers to: “DECIDE that you’re committed to keeping the child in your classroom and approach every interaction with the child with an “I got this” attitude, adding, “Without this nothing you try will work.”

So, let’s say you do indeed DECIDE - or already have - to step into the role of the teacher who is determined to support each and every child who exhibits challenging behavior.

…or, you want to.
Maybe your heart is 100% in but your brain is like, “yeah, but…”

Play-Powered Challenging Behavior Strategies for Low-Play Preschool Programs

Play-Powered Challenging Behavior Strategies for Low-Play Preschool Programs

If you’ve been following along the last few weeks you know we’ve been talking about how play is an activity where children learn to self-regulate.

And, if you know me and my approach at all you know that I believe that play-powered strategies are the KEY to a successful approach to preventing, addressing and transforming challenging behavior.

…because play is what makes young children tick! And, it’s the best way for them to learn to self-regulate.

If we don’t capitalize on children’s love of play it is a huge missed opportunity to speak their language, to motivate and inspire them.

Early Childhood: 9 Benefits of Rough and Tumble Play I learned from Mike Huber

Early Childhood: 9 Benefits of Rough and Tumble Play I learned from Mike Huber

Last week I shared that rough and tumble play is not challenging behavior per se…

…though, because many early childhood programs forbid this type of play, teachers often relate to it as challenging behavior and then, when we try to stop it, it can escalate to actual challenging behavior.

So, what to do?
First, if you’re going to remind children that it’s not permitted in your classroom make sure to do it in a way that’s neutral and not shaming. But, just as important…

Self-Regulation in Preschool: Rolling Around, Wrestling, and Rough and Tumble Play

Self-Regulation in Preschool: Rolling Around, Wrestling, and Rough and Tumble Play

In 2018, at the first Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference, I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Mike Huber, author of Embracing Rough and Tumble Play.
WOW did I learn a lot!

These days, MANY (most?) programs don’t allow “rough and tumble play” inside or even outside.

And, it’s no small thing to ask you or your administrators to consider changing that…even though the benefits of rough and tumble play are well researched, well documented, and many.

SO, I won’t ask that of you. (Though I’ve got big respect for anyone who decides to learn more and consider it - administrators and directors: I’m looking at you!)

What I do ask, is that all early childhood educators stop relating to wrestling and rough and tumble play as challenging behavior.

Rough and tumble play, pretend fighting, or wrestling is NOT challenging behavior.