What Kind of Support Do You Need to Be The Teacher You Want To Be?

I’ve got one more question for you.

What does support looks like for you?

It could be about any area of your life but of course my goal is to support you in your work and specifically with the children that exhibit challenging behavior so feel free to include anything but especially your thoughts about what it would look like to feel supported at work….and with those kids, you know the ones.

What kind of support would you like from a supervisor? From a coach? From your peers or fellow teachers? From a mentor?

What does support look like? What does support feel like?

How do you know when you’re being supported?

What kind of support do you need to be the best teacher or early childhood professional you can be?

Oh wait, whaaaat!? You already have support?


What does it look like and who does it come from?

Do you have support in your workplace? With students you’re in school with? Students you used to be in school with? Co-workers or other teachers you work with? Through some sort of professional learning community? A Facebook group? Is it online or offline?

I’m still cooking something up over here (temperature’s high, kitchen timer’s going off soon) and you sharing your thoughts on what support means to you and looks like will be invaluable to me so please if you have a minute to spare leave me a note about what kind of support you have or wish you had in the comments below.


Don’t forget to dream big. Oh no, not again! Yep. This might be the last time for awhile that I ask about your wildest dreams.

What would be your best case, most supportive scenario for you to experience support, especially when it comes to getting help with the children who challenge you most?